Doing everything I am has been a challenge. The last few events I tried to plan didn't work, but I would not quit. I knew this was something that I had to do, something that I must do. Doing this work is the most rewarding thing in my life, and I will never stop trying. I can succeed, I will succeed, I must succeed! So, it is my extreme honor and pleasure to introduce and publicly announce the M.E.C. Group's "Summer Send-Off" event! This event will be taking place September 14th from 1pm - 3pm at the Westfield Middle School(backfield).
This is an event I have designed to benefit the Westfield Food Pantry. Recently they have had struggles keeping their doors open, and I wanted to do my part to help them. That's when I got the idea for the "Summer Send-Off" event. I am working with the local businesses, group, organizations as well as the police department, fire department, and paramedics. With their aid, the "Summer Send-Off" will be huge and will hopefully bring in the people and donations the Food Pantry desperately needs. We will be accepting both cash and perishable food donations. I can't wait to see you all out there!